Far Cry Primal

When I got to Ubisoft the first project I was a part of was Far Cry Primal. A crazy take on one of our most popular brands, we had the crazy idea of building a Far Cry without any guns. Thanks to the hard work and dedication of a wonderful team of people, not only did we accomplish that job, but we made an amazing game!!!

On Primal I was responsible for rigging the Izila tribe and a couple Udam. The Izila made up 1/3 of all the game’s characters and included Roshani, a commander, and Batari–the game’s final boss. On those two characters I rigged their clothes, bodies, and faces for higher level animation. In addition I helped with several other assets including the owl that Takkar can summon for the player.

Below is a video of some of what I worked on while on Primal